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- Case summary snapshot
Cases 300,414 Confirmed cases 288,105 (95.9%) Probable cases 12,309 (4.1%) Total hospitalized 16,704 Counties 64 People tested 1,815,644 Test encounters 3,924,072 Deaths among cases 4,226 Confirmed deaths among cases 3,633 (85.97%) Probable deaths among cases 593 (14.03%) Deaths due to COVID-19 3,321 Total outbreaks 2,767
- Hospital data snapshot
Percent of facilities updating (within 24 hours) 95% Number of patients currently hospitalized for confirmed COVID-19 1,403 Patients currently hospitalized as COVID-19 persons under investigation 106 Number of patients discharged/transferred within past the 24 hours 178 Number of facilities anticipating staff shortages (within the next week) 25% Number of facilities anticipating shortages of personal protective equipment (within the next week) 1% Facilities anticipating ICU bed shortages in the next week 9% Critical care ventilators in use 47%
- Cases and deaths by county
County Cases Deaths Adams 36,396 451 Alamosa 860 22 Arapahoe 34,227 513 Archuleta 423 0 Baca 162 0 Bent 800 7 Boulder 13,360 158 Broomfield 2,544 61 Chaffee 881 20 Cheyenne 85 3 Clear Creek 237 2 Conejos 272 3 Costilla 146 2 Crowley 1,498 10 Custer 134 0 Delta 1,200 19 Denver 43,765 630 Dolores 45 0 Douglas 14,035 153 Eagle 2,982 12 El Paso 36,752 465 Elbert 849 6 Fremont 3,903 12 Garfield 3,242 25 Gilpin 106 1 Grand 567 5 Gunnison 569 7 Hinsdale 12 0 Huerfano 244 12 International 25 0 Jackson 29 0 Jefferson 26,831 593 Kiowa 58 1 Kit Carson 405 8 La Plata 1,950 19 Lake 383 0 Larimer 13,639 105 Las Animas 399 3 Lincoln 742 1 Logan 2,966 50 Mesa 7,928 115 Mineral 38 1 Moffat 478 18 Montezuma 1,060 14 Montrose 1,746 26 Morgan 1,962 65 Otero 1,427 22 Ouray 139 3 Park 335 4 Phillips 216 4 Pitkin 731 2 Prowers 904 19 Pueblo 11,990 249 Rio Blanco 245 2 Rio Grande 316 5 Routt 941 18 Saguache 241 4 San Juan 25 0 San Miguel 317 0 Sedgwick 118 2 Summit 1,890 4 Teller 888 7 Washington 326 10 Weld 17,946 248 Yuma 484 5